Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Cement blocks

Do we actually have to learn how to get along?!
Sometimes I think of my husband and me as two cement blocks...rough around the edges and difficult to move (stubborn?).  Our children were the grout that softened our edges and bound us all together.  Now that they are on their own, we're just two blockheads again.  :) 

Without that softening cushion, all the little annoyances and frustrations seem much bigger.  I know, it's all part of the transition process...reevaluating where we've been and what direction we want to go now.  But it's not comfortable and most of us like our comfort...me included.  I know that life is all about change and that change is part of growing and living so I should embrace this opportunity for the healthy process which it is.  But that requires me to admit that I need to go outside my comfort zone and learn something new...like maybe how to get along with my husband when it's just the two of us?  Sigh...yes, especially that!

Can two cement blocks find a bond that will keep them together without one or both cracking?  We'll see...:)

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