I was asked to give a talk in church this Sunday on "Honor thy father and thy mother" (Ephesians 6:2-3) so I spent the day doing research on the topic. Although much of the material I found focused on how children could show honor to their parents, it occured to me that there really is no age limit to the commandment found in the Bible.

My father died when I was 20 but my mother is still alive and just celebrated her 86th birthday. Her health is poor but showing her honor and respect is still important. I can call her often to show her that I'm thinking of her. Although I live far away, I can arrange to visit her. I can send her notes and cards. I can show by my actions, that I still value her as my mother.
Someday, she won't be here and I don't want to live with the regret that I could have done more for my mother. I owe her so much...
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