While mowing the lawn this afternoon, I was seriously considering downsizing. Mowing 1 1/2 acres of lawn and taking care of another 1/2 acre of garden is not my idea of fun anymore. Maybe it's my attitude. Gardening and lawn maintenance provides such a good opportunity to get outside and get exercise...and not the contrived type of exercise that is done at a gym, but honest, hard work that yields visible results, both to my body and to my property. And I DO feel good after weeding the garden or mowing. Am I convincing?
Yet, I think wistfully about a small plot of land and a modest-sized house. Easy to maintain, less expensive to heat and cool, smaller property tax. But I love having space for my kids and grandkids to come home to. I truly love my home. Hmmm...pros and cons...
Isn't that the way it is so much of the time? The good and bad, pros and cons, decisions, decisions. Luckily, right now it's all theoretical. And while I consider all the options, my grass grows longer by the minute. :)
Love this post :>)