Thursday, June 6, 2013

Crazy world...

Too knowledgeable and too cheerful  :)
My son is a clinical coordinator nurse at a local hospital.  Yesterday he got "written up" by some of his co-workers.  Their complaint?  He's too knowledgeable.  That's right.  Apparently, when they come to him with questions, he immediately has the right answer for them.  He doesn't hesitate nor is his answer wrong.  That makes them feel inferior and offended. 

My son asked the HR person who talked with him about his "offense" if he'd ever given the wrong information or compromised the care of a patient in any way.  No, that wasn't the problem.  If fact, patients love him and frequently comment favorably about him.  What he's supposed to work on is taking his time in responding to a nurse's question and listening more.  In other words, he's supposed to dumb down his work. 

What a crazy world we live in.  In a setting where patient satisfaction should be the primary focus by nurses, a nurse gets in trouble for being too knowledgeable.  Oh, and he's gotten "written up" once before this...for being too cheerful.  :)


  1. Your son is a blessing to so many people.
    Institutions / managers have forgotten, or never learned, about "Count your blessings". And that is a global problem...


    1. Too true! All I know is that if I'm ever in the hospital, I hope to have a knowledgeable, cheerful nurse helping me!
