Wednesday, August 21, 2013

"Aging well"

My beautiful daughter and me
My oldest daughter (36) was at a get-together and someone she hadn't seen in quite a while, came up to her and told her that she was "aging well".  She mentioned this to me with conflicting thoughts.  On the one hand, she supposed it was a compliment of sorts.  On the other hand, she took it to mean that it was obvious she was getting older.  That bothered her way more than she realized.

I can still remember the first time someone made a comment to me that made me realize I was no longer "young".  I went to a new hair dresser to get a haircut.  The woman cutting my hair, obviously trying to make "small talk", asked me if I had any grandchildren.  At the time I was 43 and had a household of children of various ages, the youngest being 6.  No, I was not a grandmother.  No, none of my children were married.  My only thought was, "Do I LOOK like a grandmother?!"  Needless to say, the treat of getting a haircut was spoiled by the thoughts going through my head as I contemplated that I could be a grandmother.  Grandmother...  Grandmother?  Grandmother!

At some point, we have to come to terms with our age and experience.  Age, in and of itself, is just a number.  Some people remain vibrant and alive well into their 80's while other people seem old and worn out much, much earlier. 

I became a grandmother for the first time at the age of 47 (4 years after that memorable remark) and thoroughly love my ten grandchildren.  They are a blessing in my life and far from making me feel older, they keep me young.  I admit that I'm still not thrilled with the term "grandmother" as it invokes a mind picture of a frail, white haired woman but I'm getting over it.   Maybe by the time I'm a frail, white haired woman, I'll feel comfortable with the term.  :)

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