Tuesday, April 16, 2013


It's not often that I have two of my married daughters visiting at the same time so today was quite a treat.  At dinner, one of them brought up the topic of communication in marriage and that got a lively discussion going.  Here we were, a daughter who's been married almost 13 years, another daughter married only 8 months and my husband and me, married 37 years, talking about the problems we encounter in communicating with our spouses.

We came to the conclusion that men and women think differently.  :)  No surprise there but something that all of us forget when actually trying to communicate.  Why can't our husbands see things the way WE see them?  I can't even imagine what THEY think!  Why is it so hard to understand each other? 

The thought has run through my mind occasionally that I'd like to be able to read my husband's mind.  And then I think that I probably don't want to know.  Too confusing  :)

At least there's rarely a dull moment...

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