Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Crazy cat lady

I will NOT let a cat take over my house!
I am not going to turn into a crazy cat lady!  When women get older, it seems like they either get really attached to their cat(s) or dog.  I know, I know, it's the companionship they provide but still...seeing grown women dressing up their little pooch, talking baby talk to it and carrying it around like a little baby looks really ridiculous.  And cat ladies?  They're usually not content with one but start adopting every stray and non-stray in the neighborhood. 

So why am I telling you all this?  Because my one cat household has recently expanded to being a two cat household.  That's right...I adopted a stray tabby that was hanging around.  In his defense, he was skinny, had been declawed and couldn't fend for himself.  I HAD to take him in.  Now, he's fat and healthy and spends the day laying around the house.  The other cat (a set-in-her-ways female) isn't impressed in the slightest but so far the two cats have developed a truce of sorts.

I keep telling myself that two cats is the limit.  No more.  And I will NOT talk baby talk to them.  And they WILL sleep outside.  I am NOT going to turn into a crazy cat lady!

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