Monday, February 18, 2013

Don't hold them back

I love it when I see my adult children making wise choices, acting responsibly, and being loving, caring parents.  I don't take credit for their successes but I am proud of them and feel like my time raising them as children was time well spent.

When it's time to wave good bye as they begin their journey away from home, it's easy to wonder and worry if you've done enough, if you've taught them everything they need to know to make it on their own, if they're ready for the big world.

I'm sure our parents worried about us the same way.  Yet, we were eager to prove ourselves and accept the challenges that come with adulthood.  We made mistakes, struggled and faced disappointment and grew because of them.  Our children are no different.  And like us, they too will face challenges, heartache and discouragement but those are the experiences that will help them grow and will mold their character.  To hold them back would be to stop them from turning into the wonderful adults they are meant to be.

I love my kids.


  1. Have you read my thoughts and feelings, and for how long?
    Thanks for this wonderful post!
    Could have been mine, if I only could have found the words...


    1. Jeanneke, you make me smile :) It's nice to know there are other people in the world who feel the same way I do.
